Last night I checked out the watermelon wine and brought it over to my place. Yes, the smell is pretty unpleasant, but the advice I read online yesterday seems to mirror what I've read on other sites, "If you're thinking about tossing it because it smells, don't do it! It will turn out ok as long as you're sure it fermented quickly." I know it has fermented, because the hydro reading went from 1.100 to 0.900 in just over a week, so it should have a high enough alcohol content that nothing's going to spoil it.
So, my conclusion yet again is that I've got to be patient and ignore my instinct to pass judgment on the wine too quickly. The good news is that, once the secondary is open for a short time, the smell dissipates and all that is left is the wine smell.
Finally, we (the soon-to-be wife and I) made a decision yesterday to serve the 2010 Pear Wine (casually known as "Horse Piss") at the head table for toasting at our wedding reception next month. Of the wine's we've made so far, this Pear Wine has been the consensual favorite.
We have about one gallon left of the original three gallons we started with, so we're probably going to use it at the head table and then let our parents/grandparents try it. Hopefully we'll have some left after that... Until then, it's sitting in a refrigerator to keep it consistently cold. That has seemed to make the taste much more crisp over the past month or so.
Speaking of the pear wine, I am planning on going to my farm next weekend. I will see what the pear tree looks like. Would you want me to pick some when they are ready to use on another pear wine?
Yea, man. I'd love to do a homegrown pear wine.
How many pounds would you need?
No matter how many you get, I can adjust a recipe to use them!
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