Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dunkelweizen Brew

Here is some info on the Dunkelweizen that I did on Sunday March 28th.
I started at 165 in order to hit 151 on my mash and was right on. Here are the grains I added.

My camera only takes 60 secs of video. I added 5 lbs. of wheat in between videos. Here is the rest.

My roasted barley was old from the last brew that I have kept stored. Since I was on the lower end with the temp. I decided to go longer than 60 mins. I went 70 mins. until I added my 1 gal of boiling.

For the boil, I added .5 oz of Tettnager for 60 mins. and another .5 oz for Tettnanger for the last 15 mins.

I tried a new method for cooling. Before, I have tried putting it in the refridgerator, also I tried putting it in ice in the bath tub, both of which did not work. This time I filled the bath tub with cool water and even added some ice to it. It cooled much faster with the water providing a larger surface area.

Well, hope you guys enjoyed it. Comments and advice welcome!

-Der Brauer

1 comment:

Antonio Manzi said...

Excellent videos for the resources you have. Helpful to put the numbers up as you did. See my other comments for info about webcams and SD cards.