Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sound Problems and Wine Press

Well, the Pear wine is made and is releasing sulfates as I write this.  I did tape it, but the mic did not work.  So tonight I will be editing it, and adding a voice over.  I will post the video in this same post.

As far as the wine press goes, I was given an idea from a co-worker that his father has done.  A homemade wine press with a car jack.  He said his dad just inverted the car jack, put it on a bracket and then made the rest of the press.  They use it for apple cider.  Just another idea, something to think about.

This upcoming Sunday, the 18th, Irish Rover and I will be planting my hops and brewing a Kolsch.  Vids and pics will be posted!



Antonio Manzi said...

I was actually going to talk to you about the car jack idea... here is a great and simple one I saw:

Der Brauer said...

When are we gonna see this video?