Thursday, July 22, 2010

Zombie Rd.

Myself, Matus, and our good friend Kevin J. Sunway (who loved the Munich Helles, by the way) will be going to the legendary Zombie Road this weekend.

For those who don't know the story:

Will reports from the event be on this blog? Not if I get so scared that I poop my pants.

I might have a beer or a highball beforehand to take the edge off...


Irish Rover said...

And what does this have to do with beer and/or wine?

Antonio Manzi said...

Well, Rover, there have been like 4 posts on here all month- seems like a dumb place to climb on a high horse.

I was reporting on the fact that Sunway loves the Munich.

Plus, half of us could die tomorrow night. Seems notable in our pursuit of beer and winemaking.

Irish Rover said...

You're a towel.