Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wine Patience

Just to keep everyone up to speed: We transferred the Watermelon wine tonight. It's going to be pretty dry. After giving it some serious thought, I think I am going to leave well-enough alone and not sweeten it unless we age it for 15 months and it isn't drinkable as Dry Wine.

According to what I've read on Watermelon wines, we need to wait at least that long to get an accurate idea of the taste. It's been hard so far for me to not judge the wines harshly after a short period of time. Two months ago I would have said the Blackberry was a total loss, but the Control group has aged well (and it's only been about 7 months since we fermented).

Patience is going to be key.


Irish Rover said...

from what I have read and studied, quality commercial wines need at least 6 months to ferment and age.

Matuz said...

Yeah, I would say 6-7 months for drinkability, and keep some for longer and taste test it as it ages, being sure to document the change in taste. That way, future wines of this type can be better done.

No matter if it is beer, or wine, documentation, and experimentation leads to improvement!

We are on the right track.

DAJ2 said...

I agree.