Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Mead Input

After having a discussion a few weeks ago with an old professor of mine and doing some research, I've decided I'd like to make a Mead of some kind. At the suggestion of several sources, I am considering a Dry Mead spiced with herbs. These are said to be the most drinkable when made by a rookie like myself. Any of you know much about Mead?

Here is a relevant link I was forwarded:

Said professor was also involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism (a medieval re-enactment group) in which a lot of people "totally dig" Mead. He forwarded me this as a helpful resource:


Irish Rover said...

All I have read is they are prized drinks. However, properly done they make take years to reach drink ability.

Matuz said...

Mead is tricky, but simple. You need a lot of honey,water,yeast, and time. Sometimes it takes 4 months to ferment..sometimes 6...sometimes 12 months, and sometimes 2 years until it is ready.

I did some research into this when I first started brewing. The main thing you need is patience. Definitely do-able.